• What is the Walsh Approach?

    The Walsh Approach is a unique way of thinking about nutrition, fitness and holistic health. I found success doesn’t come from restriction and deprivation. It comes from listening to your story to find the right nutrition, fitness, stress management, body awareness and support team that fit your lifestyle. I am blessed to have spent over a decade helping people like you feel better in their skin. This is why I created the Walsh Approach; to help you live healthier and happier through mind, body, nutrition, fitness, support and a focus on you.

  • Who is behind the Walsh Approach?

    That’s me! I am Stephanie Walsh. I am a Master Nutrition Therapist, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, as well as an Eating Psychology Coach, Personal Trainer and Pilates Instructor. I also have many other fitness qualifications. I didn’t obtain this loooong laundry list of credentials for ME though. I obtained these qualifications to best help my clients and YOU. The more I understand the human body, the better I can help you find the right nutritional, fitness and health support to live your best life.

  • What is your logo?

    My logo is an amaryllis. This flower often represents new beginnings. Just like us humans, it comes in different shapes, sizes and colors. When the world is at its darkest days longing for renewal, the amaryllis blooms. Through strength, determination, effort and care, it overcomes adversity to bring signs of hope and beauty for spring. I love how much this flower can represent personal growth. Just as each variety of amaryllis can bloom despite challenges, through new beginnings you too can find lighter days, untapped strength, and a beautiful future ahead.

  • What kind of services do you provide?

    I’m glad you asked! I like to offer several ways to assist you on your journey. We can start your journey with private nutrition sessions or private training sessions. I also teach several virtual and in-person fitness classes. To educate and empower yourself through knowledge, I give local lectures and workshops on nutrition and movement. I also have a self-guided Healthy Gut online course that will help you understand digestive anatomy, common digestive complaints, your microbiota and steps you can take to improve digestion. Lastly, I have my 12-Week Holistic Holiday Survival Guide program that starts in October. This group program is meant to guide you towards a healthier holiday season.

  • I have already tried several diets out there and, frankly, I'm tired of 'dieting.' Everything always feels so restrictive and unsustainable. How is your approach any different?

    You are not alone here! Following a diet that does not match your lifestyle can create short-term success. But, once you go back to ‘living’ it’s no longer sustainable. Then you beat yourself up (instead of the diet) for not being able to stick with it. I guarantee if you are thinking “I can’t wait to be able to eat X, Y or Z again” it is not a good nutrition plan for you! Instead, you need to find a way to fit healthy living into your lifestyle. This is what the Walsh Approach is all about. I want to help you find nutrition that consists of healthy choices AND fits your food preferences, interest in cooking, availability of time and even readiness for change. This is the formula that will support your body for success.

  • All I want to do is lose weight. Can you help me with that?

    No, and Yes.

    If you are looking for a quick fix to lose a certain amount of weight in a short amount of time, I am not the right nutritionist for you. If your only goal is to lose weight by counting calories, I am not the right nutritionist for you. If you want to get to a certain number on the scale without looking at other aspects of your life, I am not the right expert for you.

    BUT, if weight loss is a goal (you know, that range you used to feel healthier in your body) but you really want it to be an effortless side effect of all the wonderful changes you are making, then I AM the right woman for the job! If you don’t care about the number on the scale, and just want to feel healthier, more energetic, and more alive, you are also in my wheelhouse!

  • I have tried different workouts and trainers, and even physical therapy, but pain always seems to find its way back. How is your approach going to help me?

    I would love to say “I guarantee you’ll be pain free the rest of your life if you work with me!” But, alas, I am not a miracle worker. But I do want you to live with the least amount of pain as possible. That means using my knowledge of the human body to help you uncover your strategies for moving through life. The human body likes to move in the path of least resistance, which feels good when that movement is healthy. When structures are misaligned your body will still find a strategy to continue moving forward. Unfortunately, this creates a compensatory pattern which could lead to injury and/or pain. My approach might be what you’ve been missing. We collaborate together to help you become more aware of your body in space, understand your strategies and find what works and what doesn’t. This is the formula that will keep you as active and pain or injury free as possible.

  • I'm ashamed of how much I've let my body go. Will you be able to help me eat better and move more?

    First off, you should not feel ashamed! Life throws curveballs ALL the time. Best intentions get thrown by the way side, you deal with your priorities and then you find yourself saying “How the heck have I gone two months without eating a salad or going for a walk?”

    Life is not about perfection. Why should your nutrition and fitness journey be any different? My approach shouldn’t be radical but I feel it is in this industry. Every decision we make is a mutual and collaborative one. We work together to find obstacles while giving you a non-judgmental space to explore, make mistakes and learn what truly is your best path to a happier, healthier you.

  • What if I don't feel like I have the time to commit?

    Spending time on yourself can feel like a big ask, especially if you are a care taker to loved ones, both young and old, or have a lot of commitments both personal and professional. My goal is to help you find the ways healthier eating and fitness can fit into your lifestyle. That might mean guiding you to clean convenient foods instead of cooking more. It might mean finding ways to incorporate shorter movement sessions into your day at home or work instead of going to a gym or fitness class. Your time is precious, but your health is too. We will work together to find a good mix between the two.

  • This all sounds good, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to commit to myself. What should I do?

    That’s ok! When you’re ready, I’ll be here! In the meantime, just be patient with yourself and your journey. Make small changes; add a new vegetable, drink an extra glass of water, go for a walk when it’s sunny out, or just sit and be. Appreciate the moment before you, right here right now. You’ll be ready soon enough. :)