The Link Between Stress, Dysbiosis and IBS

man holding his stomach

Dysbiosis occurs when you have a lack of good bacteria in your gut. Stress has been shown to imbalance the gut microbiota (aka your community of bugs living in your digestive tract) and even exacerbate IBS symptoms. We are now learning that the gut microbiota may also play a role in IBS. This presentation is meant to shed some light on this complicated condition.

You will learn:

  • How the body responds to stress

  • Six contributing factors of IBS symptoms

  • The role stress plays in IBS

  • How stress affects the gut microbiota

  • The role microbiota imbalance plays in IBS

  • Nutrition and lifestyle changes that may help reduce IBS symptoms

If you or someone you know suffers from IBS, this is a great informational event to signup for!